
The Time Court

The Time Court is a magical place out of time and space that joins the seven havens. Time moves differently inside the Court. So an hour may pass inside while a week passes outside. The Court is a circle formed by a tall barberry hedge. Seven identical blue doors are evenly spaced around the hedge, […]

The Havens

The Havens are magical places under the fairy godmother’s control. There is one in each realm, and they are joined by the Time Court, which acts as a magical portal. Each haven has a different guardian. The giant’s tower (Caveline) The dragon’s cave (North Lynnborough) The witch in the gingerbread house (Fairmont) The dwarfs’ cottage […]

North Lynnborough

North Lynnborough is a realm in the north of the Seven Realms. It is the largest geographically. Its capital city is Daggerton. Its language is Lynnbrovian. The haven is a dragon’s cave in the side of a cliff.


Bretland is a principality in the very south of the Seven Realms. It is the smallest realm geographically. The capital city is Its language is Brettish. The haven is a goblin king’s castle in the center of a labyrinth.


Caveline is a queendom in the south east of the Seven Realms. Its capital city is Alderness. Its language is Cavelian. The haven is a tower guarded by a giant.

The Seven Realms

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